Past Activities

Golden Brushes
THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN BRUSH - Over 40 years of artistic exploration founded by Gladys Stroud.  Where people meet and inspire each other to enjoy artistic creativity We meet every Tuesday 10:00AM-1:00PM during season (Nov-Apr) in the Large room  Be fearless and rediscover your artist within. Acrylics, oils, watercolors, chalks, pencils are welcomed. Members, friends and guests continue to meet once a week at the Saint James City Civic Association to share ideas, techniques and thoughts side by side with the novice artist as well as the accomplished artist. In a casual and relaxed atmosphere, where everyone is encouraged to explore the artist within, skills are shared, resources identified and questions are respectfully answered for anyone seeking help, guidance and solutions with their creations. We welcome all mediums, all levels of art expertise, and encourage you to join us and get "lost" for a few hours and just enjoy.  Golden Brush Workshops are usually held each Tuesday afternoon following the general meeting of the Golden Brush from January through April.  Cost of workshops vary depending on the Artist and whether or not materials are provided. Generally they are $20 to $40 for a 3 to 4 hour workshop. You are encouraged to go to the Artist's web site to view their art style and learn a little about these great Artists. See the Calendar for exact times and dates For more information, please contact the Activity Leader: Linda Selleck

Photo Club
Pine Island has some of the best opportunities for people to capture the best examples of nature, wildlife, people, and landscape. The Photo Expo is open to all regional photographers to exhibit their photographs in a range of categories. Each photographer must register and submit an entry fee per photo entered. Photo size, frame requirements and specific guidelines will be available before the event and will be posted on this web page as a printable document. Check the calendar for the exact dates in February. For more information, please contact the Photo Expo Coordinator: Andy Bergsten on the Photo Club Facebook page
Valentine Card
Game Party
The annual Card and Game Party is a full day of fun and games! ​ The day begins with continental breakfast of homemade goodies, juice, coffee and tea. ​ Join the fun and games throughout the day! In addition to card games, we  also play Mah Jongg, Dirty Marbles, Dominos, Rummicube, and Mexican Train.  Bring your favorite game. A light lunch consisting of sandwich, side dish and delicious desserts will be served to maintain your competitive edge. Add a silent auction with great prizes plus a door prize for each attendee - expect a full day of fun for everyone! The cost for the annual Valentine Card and Game Party is typically $15.00 per person. Tickets must be purchased in advance. ​

Big Breakfast /Rummage Sale & Vendors
We like to celebrate the Fall, Winter and Spring seasons with a "Festival Day" each month. The day starts with Flea Market/Rummage Sale at 8:00 to Noon with the Big Breakfast from 8 to10am ($8)  plus individual Vendors hawking their wares and crafts. ​ Fall Festival is held the 3rd Sat in November Winter Festival is held the 3rd Sat in January Spring Festival is held in March with Breakfast and BreastFest ​ Big Breakfast ​ What a great way to begin your day!  Food, friends, family and fun gathering to enjoy a wonderful breakfast! ​ Our menu often includes: sausage gravy and biscuits, scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausage, toast, coffee and tea. Come, enjoy and help support your local St. James Civic Assn. ​ The "Big Breakfast" is open to Members and Non-Members.  The cost is $7.00 per person.  Volunteers always welcome - especially you "early birds".

Pickin' in the City
​Bring your instruments and talent for a jam session of local talent! ​ An audience of listeners, foot-tappers and finger-snappers are welcome to enjoy the fun! ​ January thru March on weekend in the afternoon - check calendar for exact dates usually 1st & 3rd Sundays 2-4pm ​ For more information, please contact the Activity Leaders: Cindy Bickford and Denise Huber

Concerts & Music
Our Members are huge fans of music! Â We are a group that loves to participate in creating a musical sensation or just as content to sit back and enjoy!

Something for Everyone at the SJCCA!
We have such a wide variety of activities that have been going on over the years. Something for everyone.